delighted ethnic little siblings reading interesting book on couch

This is a guest post, hosted by Win’s Books and written by Maria Cannon.

Hobbies offer children a great deal more than just pleasure and a pastime.  Through hobbies, kids can gain skills that will promote their emotional and physical well-being throughout life.  Here is great information on some of the best hobbies and how they help your children develop and grow.  

Why hobbies help.  

While hobbies are generally considered activities for recreation and entertainment, there are an abundance of benefits your child can gain.  Research reflects that hobbies help kids in these important ways:

  • Reduce stress.  Children are under a great deal of pressure these days to perform well and reach goals.  Hobbies are a great outlet for their stress.
  • Enhance creativity.  Many hobbies boost creativity and encourage children to think outside the box.  Hobbies can provide a way for them to express themselves freely without the structure and restrictions of organized learning environments.
  • Better mental health.  Hobbies encourage concentration and focus, analytical skills, and thought processing.  Overall cognitive development improves.
boy child reading a book

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Encourage your children to engage in a healthy hobby.  Here are our favorite picks and why.


Playing an instrument is one of the best hobbies for kids to pursue.  Time magazine explains that playing music teaches children to interpret sounds better, and they experience improved literacy.  In the long run, those who play instruments are more apt to succeed in school and attend college.  Get your youngster started by buying an instrument


Of course children are required to read in school, but some research indicates reading for pleasure offers children special benefits.  Kids show improved imagination, better literacy, and enhanced social skills, and they become more empowered and contribute more to society.  Head to your local library for books your kids will love.  For a great selection of stories for teens, check out The Gods’ Scion series by Winnifred Tataw.


Playing video games is actually considered a healthy hobby for kids because it promotes problem solving and hand-eye coordination, among other benefits.  Consider giving your kids a stress-free gaming experience by upgrading your internet to a speedier connection such as 5G. 


Some experts feel engaging in science outside the classroom is a great way to tap into a child’s natural curiosity.  Performing experiments is also an opportunity to teach children about math since they need to measure and calculate correctly.  Start your youngster with a fun experiment like making Rainbow Magic Milk, which is performed using household ingredients you probably have on hand.  

Hobbies for better quality of life.  

Participating in hobbies can improve the mental and physical well-being for your child.  Next time your youngster is bored, consider the many terrific options available.  Engage your child in a wholesome hobby for a happier, healthier life now and in the future!
You can find stories, art, and DIY project ideas on the blog at Win’s Books.

About the Author:
About the Author:

Maria Cannon believes we’re never too young to dedicate ourselves to a hobby. She created Hobby Jr. to encourage young people to find a hobby they love. Her hobbies–gardening, quilting, sewing, and knitting–play a major role in maintaining her mental health.

Live. Love. Laugh.

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