jingle books author spotlight

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Jingle Books Author Spotlight! These will be posts where I discuss and showcase, authors and their writing talents and published works. So without further ado let’s get on with the Author Spotlight!

Meet the Author

I am a wife, mother, educator, and now new author. My first book is titled Black Boy Be You. It was written to inspire self love in young African American children. I am the owner / creator of Martin’s Children’s Books LLC. My first book under my company is Black Boy Be You. 

What and when started your love for writing?

Writing children’s books have always been a dream of mine. As an educator for fifteen years, writing children’s books is the next step in my personal evolution. Working with children for years and having two children of my own provided the insight that I used to help write my books. My author journey started while I was working from home because of Covid-19. I wanted to make positive use of my extra time. 

What is your favorite part of the Holiday season?

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I enjoy driving around and looking at all the Christmas decorations. Each year my family decorate our living room together. It allows our family to create wonderful memories every year. I collect my children’s Christmas crafts over the years, and we are able to reminisce over each item. We discuss what year the item was created and compare their images to how they currently look.

christmas gift boxes under fir tree
Photo by Oleg Zaicev on Pexels.com

What is your favorite part to write of a story?

My favorite part of every story is the ending. I like to see how everything came together. I also love books that are connected to a series because I like to anticipate what is going to happen next in the story.

If you could meet your favorite author who would it be and why?

I don’t have a favorite author. I like to read books of authors that I have never heard of. I use the book’s cover image to help me decide on whether to read the book. If the cover looks interesting, then I would read the back description to continue to pique my interest. I read a variety of genres. I enjoy mysteries, realistic fiction, drama, historical fiction, and science fiction.

What makes your book(s)/writing special?

Black Boy Be You is my first children’s book. It is one of many books that I created during the summer. I felt this would be the best book to illustrate first because of our nation’s current racial climate. Black Boy Be You was published in late September. The books that I am writing are to inspire self-love in young African American children. I feel that all children need to have a positive representation of themselves. My books are based off real-life situations. The characters in my books are named after children in my family.


So…what are you working on now?

I am currently working on my second book titled “Straighten Your Crown”. This book is geared towards young girls, and their daily interactions within our judgmental world. This book is to inspire self-love within girls similar to my first book.


Latoshia has such a sweet soul! And her book is so needed for all little black boys around the world. And I’m excited for the next book in her publication. If you want to get in contact or connect with Latoshia you can through:

Thank you all for reading and remember:

Live. Love. Laugh.

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