Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month Author Spotlight

Welcome to another Author Spotlight! These spotlights are for showcasing author’s (predominantly women and people of color) writing talents and published works. As you may or may not know, I do themed weeks of prominent holidays/events throughout the year on my site. Every time I do these I always feature other authors (usually ones of color and women). And for Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month I am trying to feature authors who have Latin or Hispanic backgrounds. So without further ado let’s get on with the Author Spotlight!

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About the Author:

Author Sandra Hinojosa Ludwig

Sandra Hinojosa Ludwig is a Certified Life Coach from the Transformational Arts College in Toronto, Canada, a  Qualified Solution-Focused Coach from Erickson International in Vancouver, Canada and the best selling author of “Chica, Why Not? How to live with intention and manifest a life that loves you back” published by Hay House. Sandra is also a graduate of the corporate world where she worked for over 20 years in R&D roles around the world. Through her social media communities, as well as her coaching, she now helps Latinas to intentionally manifest a life that loves them back. 

What and when started your love for writing?

I never thought I could be a writer. I am an avid reader but never thought about writing my own story. It wasn’t until a friend suggested it, and after attending a writers workshop that I thought this too may be possible for me.

Of all of the book genres, what drew you to write about yours?

I have for many years enjoyed reading about the Universe, spirituality, and the law of attraction. It was this “transformational non-fiction” genre that helped me change the direction of my life in 2006. I love reading about how we can create a stronger connection with ourselves and with the Universe.

left human hand photo; transformational non-fiction with author Sandra Hinojosa Ludwig
Photo by Jonas Ferlin on

How has your Latinx/Hispanic background and culture shape what you write and how you write?

My first book talks about me growing up in Mexico, my story as an immigrant, as well as the beliefs I gained in my culture and how I had to overcome some, and embrace others to become the most authentic version of myself. 

people near mexican flag
Photo by Ricardo Esquivel on

What book do you think everyone should read is based (or inspired by) around Latinx/Hispanic culture?

Anything by Sandra Cisneros. The one I often think about is Caramelo. 

If you could meet your favorite Latinx/Hispanic author, who would it be and why? 

I also happen to love poetry and so am obsessed with the work by Yesika Salgado. I would love to talk to her about her work and the stories behind it. 

What makes your book(s)/writing special?

such a cute book cover!

I this is two things: I consider my writing to be practical spirituality, meaning that at all times I try to help people find what practically works for them  to strengthen their relationship with themselves and the Universe.

The second thing is that the transformation non fiction genre does not traditionally speak to Latinas nor it includes a lot of Latina authors. My hope is that my writing helps fellow Latinas see themselves on it.

So…what are you working on now?

I am researching my second book! I am hoping to start putting something together early next year. I also continue with my coaching and teaching, with my last 2021 class on manifestation launching in November. 

Sandra was great to have on the blog and I think this maybe our first transformational non-fiction author! And congratulations on working on the second book! So if you want to get in contact or connect with her, you can follow her on:

Thank you all for reading and remember:

Live. Love. Laugh.

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