Book Business Spotlight (m.w.m. )

Hello, Win’s Books is shining a spotlight on our Mystic Writer Membership Community Partners in their own Book Business feature, Book Business Spotlight.

About the Owner

I am an author, essayist, creative writing coach as well as a conscious parenting coach. I teach creative writing to kids ages 8-18. I also guide high schoolers through the essay writing process for their college applications. 

vidya murlidhar

About the Business

Young Wordsmiths Workshops

Motherhood has been a very interesting journey for me. Traversing the the roller coaster of emotions that come with being a parent has taught me to look deep within myself and in healing the brokenness within I’ve become more whole. Writing has been my sacred anchor, my trusted companion through it all. It has taught me to make sense of the chaos both in the inner and outer worlds. The blank page is where I can be both vociferous and compassionate, understand and be understood, feel seen and heard. 

How did the company start?

Writing has made me a better person for sure. I am also a recent graduate of Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Institute and work with parents in group and one-on-one sessions on how they can better connect with their kids.

Why Is Writing Or Reading Important?

The principles of CP are rooted in eastern wisdom and I find myself drawn to them. The core teaching of CP is that our children are our greatest awakeners and reflect  parts of ourselves we have to heal. I am grateful to be a messenger of this powerful truth.

What Is The Vision For Your Company?

My vision for the future is to continue to touch and transform hearts and minds through my work as a Creative Writing and CP coach. 

Thank you Vidya for supporting our membership program and business! You can learn more about this community partner through:

Community Partner 1

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