Hey everyone! How’s your week been so far? I have been busy writing and blogging. And along with writing I’ve started to reach out to beta readers to look over my current book. So I thought, I should share my ongoing experience with you guys.

What is a Beta Reader?

Well according to Wikipedia:

A beta reader is usually a test reader of an unreleased work of literature or other writing, who gives feedback from the point of view of an average reader to the author. A beta reader is not a professional and can therefore provide advice and comments in the opinions of an average reader. This feedback is used by the writer to fix remaining issues with plot, pacing, and consistency. The beta reader also serves as a sounding board to see if the book has had the intended emotional impact.

photo of person holding a book; beta reader, what is a beta reader
Photo by Enzo Muñoz on Pexels.com

What is the purpose of a Beta Reader?

They are here to here to aid you as a writer in your written work. Authors hire a reader as a beta tester (similar to a software developer) for an unreleased literary work or other writing, giving them feedback from an average reader’s perspective.

Another thing is that they give you great advice on structure, plot, and pacing. Betas are a fresh set of eyes to read over your manuscript. And bonus of them is you can ask them—when your book is published—if they are willing, they can write a review(s) for you. You can read more about whos and whys of beta readers here.

How much do Beta Readers Cost?

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Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

Well the first thing, they are free! I won’t knock anyone’s hustle, but I wouldn’t pay for beta readers with there are so many people out there willing to read and help you better your book for free. Especially if you are self publishing your works. Beta readers can be used at any stage of the book editing process. Which is helpful because you can have multiple and eyes reading, critiquing, and editing your work.

Where can I find Beta Readers?

For me I use three places to find beta readers. The main place is a site called, Critique Match. As they state they help you “Find the critique partner tailored to your writing needs. Connect with other writers, published authors, and beta readers to exchange feedback. Users’ ratings. No charge. Free to use. Grow your skills. Share your work privately.” It took me a bit for me to understand it and use, but after I got the hang of it, it was smooth sailing. I’ve been using it for over two years and I really don’t have any complaints. They’ve also added a placed for paid editors, if you wan your work to be looked over by a professional.

The other two places I use are Facebook and Twitter. For Facebook the best thing is to join groups and ask members if they would be willing to read your work. With Twitter just DM or tweet out (with the right hashtags) that you’re looking for people to read your work in progress (or #WIP). The worst they can say is no. Beta readers are a great and affordable way to gain book editors as well You can read more about the different types of editors here.

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Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels.com

Well I hope this helps some of you, like it has helped me. Like I said all writers need to use beta readers for their works. They’re free, accessible, and benefits your work immensely. Thank you for stopping by! Stay safe everyone! And remember:

Live. Love. Laugh.

readers are needed by writers| winsbooks; find out why writers need to use Beta readers for their writing projects

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