Win's Books Author Spotlight

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Author Spotlight! These spotlights are for showcasing author’s (predominantly women and people of color) writing talents and published works. So without further ado let’s get on with the Author Spotlight!

About the Author:

Author Marlene McPherson

Marlene McPherson has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour 52 years ago. She is happily married to Steadley McPherson for34 years and is blessed with two adult sons and a grand-daughter. As a graduate trained educator she has contributed 34 years of service and 7 years as a financial advisor. Her writing career began with the largest newspaper company in the island as a reporter and correspondent for the parish of saint Thomas. Presently she and her husband are enjoying the empty nest. She is writing and doing Relationship Coaching.; ( On IG she is MMcPhersononrelationship.

What and when started your love for writing?

I think this started in my late adult life but it intensified in my fifties. The need for a side job caused me to write for the main Newspaper Company in the island. I also saw the need to highlight news about students’ achievements and also personalities who were not acknowledged for their contributions to the society.  The reactions of both students and community members were one of appreciation and a positive boost for their self-attainment.  All these factors burst in me a love for writing. I realized that I could be their voice on paper.

woman sitting on window reading book
Photo by Thought Catalog on

Of all of the book genres, what drew you to write about yours?

I wrote this genre because I wanted to encourage and inspire  Christian women to keep true to the Lord in the area of man woman relationship and that God can provide their  Christian husband once they ask in prayer.  I also wanted to use this medium to highlight that God made us to have healthy relationship so that we can have great families and ultimately a decent society.

What inspires you to write? 

Inspiration comes in two forms. One,  an impactful life.  That is a person who is a Christian and has an exemplary life style or anyone whose life has helped humanity. I think the deeds or the situation should be recorded because it will help others and it will be used as a part of their legacy. The second are incidents that have caused me reflect on my personal journey in life.  This writing exercise act as therapeutic

What is the easiest part of the writing process for you and why?

In writing this book the easiest was the letter because they were already written.

What makes your book(s)/writing special?

  It is special because of three reasons. The first, I use real life situation in the environment where the incident took place.  Here most of the readers can identify with it and this gives them some amount of affinity. Secondly,  the message of what God can do for us as  Christian women once we pray; His word has promises and principles that we can follow. Thirdly, it  is my true story fictionalize.

So…what are you working on now?

With regards to writing I have already written another Christian romantic novella story where God answers prayer and I am finishing up a story of  twin boys who are reflecting on their lives of abuse, abandonment and now victory in their adult life.

Marlene’s story was so inspring to learn about, and I am happy to have her here on the blog! If you want to get in contact or connect with her you can follow her on:

Thank you all for reading and remember:

Live. Love. Laugh.

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