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Amour Books Author Spotlight: Jennifer Leigh Pezzano

Amour Books Author Spotlight on Win's Books

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Author Spotlight! These spotlights are for showcasing author’s (predominantly women and people of color) writing talents and published works. So without further ado let’s get on with the Author Spotlight! This spotlight is apart of the two-week February blog event, Amour Books.

About the Author:

Jennifer is a literary junkie, with a life long love affair with words. A poet and writer who lives nestled in the beautiful valley of Southern Oregon with her partner and daughter. She spends her days furiously typing away at her computer while trying to balance the blend of motherhood and self growth.

What and when started your love for writing?

Writing has always been a source of therapy for me ever since I was a child. A place where I could escape into a world of my own creation, and my room was always filled with notebooks covered in my scribbled emotion. As a teenager I discovered poetry and devoured every book I could find in the library. I would sneak into darkened coffee shops during open mics and boldly read my work of unabashed longing to a roomful of strangers much older than me.

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The ability to portray profound emotion through such few words has always mesmerized me, and in so many ways, poetry saved me from a childhood saturated with a lot of trauma. In high school my English teacher took me under his wing and helped me self-publish my very first collection of poems. But it wasn’t until two years ago at the age of 35 that I finally decided to sit down and attempt to write a novel, blending my love of a good story with the beauty of poetry.

Of all of the book genres, what drew you to write about yours?

Awakening was born from a desire to explore the vampire trope in a new light. I have always been fascinated by the concept of the vampire but was never fully satisfied with how they were portrayed. I felt compelled to approach this genre in a way that was more digestible to the general public, but also pull in more aspects of eroticism, spirituality and healing, because I feel like all these things are so intrinsically connected to one another. But as far as genres go…this book has been hard to put in a box. It’s more of a romance with a little bit of supernatural fantasy thrown in. 

 What does Valentine’s day mean to you?

Valentine’s day for me is a time to reflect and give thanks to all those wonderful people in my life who have given color to my world. Though it has shifted and changed meaning for me throughout the years, going from the harsh longing of my youth to the soft gratitude of motherhood, this day reminds me that no matter what, I am always surrounded by love.

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What’s your favorite romance cliche or trope?

Lovers to friends I have always had a soft spot for. There is nothing more romantic to me then falling in love with someone you already have a strong foundation with. I also am a bit of a sucker for the “belated epiphany” trope…with the character running through the airport, hoping it’s not too late… very much overdone yes, but I just can’t help myself. Though I do wonder if that one may have been the trigger for some romantic disappointment in my youth since nobody ever ran through an airport for me. 😉

And then of course you have the second chance at love trope. Which is one of my favorites and plays a lead role in a lot of my stories. Two broken people finding healing in one another, it is such a beautiful way to go deeper into the emotions of characters. 

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If you could meet your favorite author who would it be and why?

Margarette Attwood. She is such a brilliant author and poet and really encompasses the full spectrum of craft for me. I would love to sit down and pick her brain. 

What makes your book(s) special?

Well writing is art, and as we all well know… art is highly subjective. But this book was my attempt to blend more emotion, elegance and beauty into an idea that has largely been lumped into the horror genre. Being a poet, my writing is highly descriptive, and I do enjoy breaking a few rules here and there. I also don’t plot or follow any sort of novel guidelines; I just write from my heart and the rest falls into place. I become both the writer and the reader, and the journey for me is one of endless fascination and growth.

So…what are you working on now?

I am currently working on revisions and edits on my second novel. This one is much different then my current book. It is more of a contemporary romance set in Montana about a woman running from the pain of her past and a man trapped in the darkness of his disability. I am also working on a long overdue project of compiling all my poetry into a book. It’s a laborious process that involves sifting through dozens of note pads and pieces of paper crammed into boxes throughout the years, but I think it is time that I unearth my poems and give them some wings. 

Congrats on your second book’s progress Jennifer! I loved her answer about Valentine’s Day and how she started her writing career. To read poetry to an older audience at that age takes some courage. If you want to get in contact or connect with Jennifer you can follow her on:

Thank you all for reading and remember:

Live. Love. Laugh.

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